Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 393

Once again you bear witness to my weird wacky mind while waiting for the real post on which I am currently working having to do with my dreams, therapy, and dreams about therapy. I am soon leaving for my therapy appointment so who knows where that post will go once I’ve talked to Freud for an hour.

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Coma :: Very deep sleep
  2. Aristotle :: Onasis
  3. Pink eye :: Miserable
  4. Expensive :: Unnecessary
  5. Dancer :: Prancer and Vixen
  6. Lipstick :: Waxy nasty stuff
  7. Buffer :: Go Between
  8. Stilettos :: Really High Heels
  9. Booming :: Loud
  10. Rap :: Hip hop

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