Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PMS Is Not the Only Reason to be Grumpy

Spent time with J on Saturday. I was suffering a bout of PMS (knew I was close to starting. . . hoped it would hold off. . . and it did. . . until yesterday. . . when it arrived in full force with all its glory. . . where's my chocolate?) which is probably why I was not so happy about how things went.

My biggest reaction to the entire four hours we spent together is this:
Will the man never shut up?!?!?
Could I maybe get a word in edgewise somewhere? Must every moment be filled with words? Must everything he tells me have to be about his first ex-wife and how she’s not letting him see his kids enough, or T and how she’s still managing to mess up his life, or his current wife and how annoying she is? Worse yet, is when he starts in on the whole evangelistic sharing. Dude, you’re lying naked next to someone not your wife. Preaching straight-laced Christian fundamentalism seems somehow dissonant at that point.

And yet, there I am, sharing the cost of a room, patiently listening, trying to find a way to somehow get a little fulfillment for myself from all of this. I even asked him to stay longer. I don’t know, maybe hope springs eternal that if we were around each other long enough he’d listen to me too, perhaps even ask how I’m doing.

But let’s be realistic here. That isn’t going to happen. He’s so wrapped up in himself, in his own needs, in his own life, that I’m nothing but a warm place to put it occasionally.

Maybe PMS has very little to do with why I wasn’t so happy with how things went. Maybe I was unhappy because the whole thing sucked. It was all about him and not at all about me, or us. He’s a selfish bastard, and I deserve so much better. Why does he have to prove that repeatedly? Why can’t I just get the message and move on? Sigh. . . so much personal growth is still needed here.

Also, the last couple of times with J before this one seemed so much better to me. I think it was because I was using J for revenge sex. I was being utterly defiant of BJ and our relationship by going behind his back and screwing someone else, getting revenge for hurts BJ had caused me. Now, without that as motivation there’s just nothing there for me when J and I get together, because the sex isn’t good, the company isn’t good; there’s just not one good reason to ever do this again.

Hmm, yeah, wonder how long this resolve will hold out. . .


Val said...

Ha, thanks for the laugh!
"Preaching straight-laced Christian fundamentalism seems somehow dissonant at that point." Ya think?!?
[Of course you know I'm laughing WITH you, not AT ya, babe!]
It'll be OK; maybe like me, you have to beat something into your head repeatedly until you get the point!

Trueself said...

Val -

I know you're laughing with me rather than at me. And trust me, it was worth laughing at.

I must have had quite the astonished look on my face when he started down that line of monologue ('cause, ya' know, I couldn't get in any words to make it dialogue or conversation). I wondered how it could be that he didn't realize how ridiculous he sounded. The man is a tool, a total tool.

Hopefully, I can remember all this the next time I'm tempted to hook up with him again. Hopefully, I've been struck over the head enough with this now. Hopefully. . .

Desmond Jones said...

As re preaching to one's partner-in-adultery, I agree with you - yeah, probably best to just let that opportunity pass. . . yeef. . .

As to the rest -

You can hear the Universe talking to you; will you heed what it's telling you?

Sailor said...

Maybe he thought he was preaching to himself? I dunno... could be that, sounds like he may have been talking to himself somewhat anyway, no?

Anyway, I hope your resolve holds, because you are darn right, you're worth more than that!

Trueself said...

Des - Yes, the Universe speaks, the Blogosphere speaks, the inner conscience speaks. . .

Eventually I'm gonna have to listen.

However, when a naked man in bed next to me starts preaching the gospel, I ain't listenin'. . .

Sailor - Yes, talking to himself was a lot of what he did. I (the ultimate basketball fan with only passing interest in football) watched Ohio State beat Penn State during much of the blah, blah, blah. . .