Monday, March 22, 2010

Unconscious Mutterings, Week 373

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Burrito :: Grande
  2. Spike :: Ryan and Kendall’s boy
  3. Tougher :: Weaker
  4. Mock :: Make fun of
  5. Slurp :: Sloppy
  6. Knock :: Down
  7. Conference :: Champions
  8. Madness :: March
  9. Minds :: are a terrible thing to waste
  10. Connection :: Outlet


stinkypaw said...

1. Burrito :: Burp
2. Spike :: Buffy
3. Tougher :: Then it looks
4. Mock :: suede
5. Slurp :: soup
6. Knock :: up
7. Conference :: boring
8. Madness :: life
9. Minds :: empty
10. Connection :: miss

Chrissy said...

Saw on the news today that Illinois is playing Dayton tonight and thought of you. You routing for Illinois and me living in Dayton. I couldn't care less about basketball, but thought I'd stop by and give you a friendly "Go UD!!" :)