Monday, March 01, 2010

Sunday Stealing: Harriet's Choice: The Disney Meme

Hmmm. . . not a huge Disney fan so this should be really boring awful challenging. Not sure I even know for sure Disney films vs. other films so that could be entertaining for you as you read through the answers seeing my ignorance shining through. Also not sure I’ll even have answers for all the questions. Oh well, let’s give it a go, shall we? After all, how bad can it possibly be?

1. Which non-Disney Princess Disney Film is your favorite? Okay, I think I know this one – Toy Story.

2. Which Disney film makes you cry the most? Given that I cry super easily at movies I suppose a better question would be which films don’t make me cry? However, to answer the question as given I guess it would be Bambi. I mean how can you not cry when a mother is killed?

3. Which Disney film makes you the happiest? Mary Poppins

4. Which Disney film has the best music? The Lion King

5. Which Disney film has the best love story? Lady and the Tramp

6. Who is your favorite Disney Princess? None of them. They all make me kind of want to gag. Oh no, wait. That's not right. I like the princess in The Princess Diaries. That's a Disney movie, right?

7. Who is your favorite Disney Prince? None of them is definitely the right answer to this one.

8. Who is your favorite Disney animal sidekick? Eeyore. Okay, I know he's not exactly a sidekick, but he isn't a main character either so he fits here better than as an answer to the next question.

9. Who is your favorite Disney main character animal? Winnie the Pooh

10. Who is your favorite villain? I have no favorite villain. Villains are bad and evil. Therefore I do not like villains.

11. What is your favorite Disney song? Probably something from Mary Poppins.

12. What is your favorite Disney villian song? Villains have songs? Couldn’t prove it by me.

13. What is your favorite Disney animal song? Animal song? So like what, it’s about animals or sung by animals or what? I don’t know. This is too much for my little brain.

14. What is your favorite Disney Princess song? No favorite princess song.

15. What is your favorite Disney Prince song? See answer to prior question.

16. What is your favorite Disney Prince/Princess duet song? Are you effing kidding me? Nada, none, nothing.

17. What is your favorite Disney love song? Oh for pity’s sake, I don’t know.

I do believe this is the worst Sunday Stealing I’ve completed to date. Hopefully it is not indicative of future editions, or I just might have to dump Sunday Stealing and find some other mindless meme to complete weakly weekly.

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