Monday, January 15, 2007

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking.

HOWEVER, we have no power at our house. We're living with my parents until the power comes back. They live in the dark ages -- no microwave, no internet access, old rotary phone -- so I'm just not able to update my blog or read others or even heat a quick cup of coffee. (I'm writing this quick post from work.) Hopefully, power will be restored soon. It's been out since Friday night. I'm getting grumpy. I started a long post on Friday before the power went out and look forward to finishing it.

Hope my readers are in better shape than I am.


freebird said...

Snap! Power here has been out since Thursday morning. Two electricians have just spent the morning getting it back for me. What a relief! Hope yours returns soon. We've both got some catching up to do! Congratulations on the job, BTW.

Rob said...

Hey, cheer up - at least ya GOT DA JOB! win some, lose some, eh? :-)

Anonymous said...


stinkypaw said...

Hope the power comes back soon - stay warm!

Trueself said...

Well, the power came on late Monday afternoon. It's amazing how much something like that can throw you off. Particularly when you have a bad cold and are in the middle of changing jobs. Why is it that life just rolls along in its boring way and then *poof* everything hits at once? Ah, well, such is life. Thanks for the well wishes all.