Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Lied

I said that very few people knew about what I shared with BJ the other day. Then I started thinking that I do believe I have mentioned it right here on my blog at some point. After a search, I found that I had indeed. So anyone who read this post is aware of it. See? You knew about it all along and just didn't know you knew about it.

If I get really, really brave I'll devote a whole post to the issue someday. Perhaps it will help me work through it.


mia said...

TS, if you are talking about the phone phobia, I have the same problem. I wish there was a way to work through it, but damn it's tricky.

Trueself said...

Mia - yep, that's it. Shudder. . .

Val said...

Aha -- that explains why you never called me back, mwah-ha-ha-ha!
So does that mean we should keep it on an email basis, hmmmm?
luv ya babe!

Trueself said...

Val - Who knows? Maybe I'll get really really brave and call you one of these days. Right, about the same time pigs fly.