Friday, October 26, 2007

Well Crap

K just contacted me. Something has come up, and tomorrow isn't going to happen for us. Dang. So he'll be out of town for the next week, and the soonest we'll be able to get together will be the week after. :-(

A few posts back Silent Male commented (tongue in cheek I'm pretty sure) that I ought to get several FWBs. Now I'm thinking that might not be such a bad idea. (said with tongue firmly in cheek)

I really miss sex. Not just sex, I miss touching, the tactile sensations that come from being skin on skin with another human. Oh, how I miss that. I miss that every morning that nobody kisses me good morning or hug me goodbye when I leave for work. I miss that every evening when I come home. I miss that every night when I go to bed alone. I miss the intimacy that should be part of marriage, and yet when W does, on rare occasions, hug me or kiss me it does nothing for me. There is nothing there anymore, nothing.

Sigh. . .


Anonymous said...

Tongue in cheek. I know I read it twice, and twice I pictured the tongue someplace else....

Drama said...

Sorry K had to cancel.

I'm nodding in agreement to your entire post...I miss it too. Tremendously.

Bunny said...

I think several FWB is a great idea, so long as all the sex is safe. I've got one but since his schedule and mine aren't meshing lately, I'm working on a couple more. Boy, that sounds pretty whorish when I spell it out like that. Ah well. It's that or think about who you know I really want to be with . . .

Serenity said...

It feels far worse to miss that casually intimate touch when you are technically not single. I absolutely empathize, i was there.
Multiple FWBs might be a plan. But if they're married they're always going to be logistical challenges. You might just end up with multiple scheduling headaches... or you might find one whose schedule is ideal. Can't hurt to stay open to the possibilities. Yeah, i know, that's my answer to everything... :)

Trueself said...

SM - Yes, I'm sure you did.

Drama - Amazing how important something seemingly so small, like a touch, can be.

Bunny - Doesn't sound whorish to me, or maybe I'm just as whorish and don't recognize it. ;-)

Serenity - Yes, trying to stay open to all sorts of possibilities.