Friday, November 17, 2006

3rd Time's a Charm or 3 Strikes You're Out?

J and I got together for sex for the third time. The first two times were less than stellar: the first was rather awkward and the second we both had too many other things on our minds like bad marriages. So what would today bring? Would we find that third time's a charm with a good time had by all? Or would today be a bust, again, maybe indicating we ought to just give up.

Sorry to say today was a bust. We had a little problem with E.D. probably induced by recently prescribed anti-depressants. We had a little problem with me being on my period, and not just a light day but a gusher day. Fortunately, thanks to a couple of friends' comments on the last post I went out and bought a box of Instead this morning. Listen up ladies, Instead works great!! I had very little leakage in spite of my gusher day. So my period was really of very little consequence. However, J's E.D. was insurmountable. I even gave him my very best oral treatment and barely got a rise from him. Then he started to fret over it and completely ruined any chance of recovery. We did have some nice kissing and snuggling, and he almost (note I said almost) brought me to orgasm with manual stimulation. I don't know how he felt about the whole thing, but I just felt very blah. Not bad, but not good either. Just blah. Was it worth using a vacation day, the hour drive, the cost of the motel room? Probably not from the standpoint of sexual satisfaction. However, from the standpoint of solidifying J and my relationship as a friendship, albeit one probably best to be without benefits, it was probably worth it. J and I are really not very compatible sexually, but he and I definitely have a good rapport on a friendship level and will most likely continue to be friends for a long time to come.


Anonymous said...

I'd take it as an omen that you & J aren't meant to be FWB. Sorry it didn't work out.

Val said...

That sounds very much like an old friend of mine, who apparently lusted after me from afar for YEARS until he felt it was time for him to make his move... Unfortunately, he wasn't a very good kisser, we just didn't "nick", and I broke it off before we even passed second base -- overwhelmed w/guilt bcz I was still "legally" married to 1st husband...